Simple and Fast Multimedia Libraray and Python.
Notizen/Tasks für Pythonfoo
- The Copyconstructor ???? siehe Displaying a Sprite
- Sprite.SetScale(2.f, 0.5f)
- Image.GetPixel(10,20)
- Pixelfarbe feststellen ??? mGUI->getColorAtPixel(x,y).red; ???
Speicherplatz sparen/ Resourcenoptimierung
In a more complex engine, images would be automatically handled by a manager. This is a more generic and easy way of handling resources. The idea is to make the manager store the images, associated to their filename (or whatever unique identifier), so that if the same image is requested several times, the same instance will actually always be returned by the manager.
sf::Sprite Sprite; // GetImage will always return the same image for the same filename Sprite.SetImage(ImageManager.GetImage("data/missile.png"));