Aruba AP-225 ("ChaosdorfUnterwegs") | |
WLAN auf Events oder so | |
Besitzstatus | Club-Eigentum |
Label | Bitte ausdrucken |
General[edit | edit source]
Aruba sells two models of the AP-225, the AP-225 and the IAP-225. The IAP includes their "Instant On" firmware, which provides a standalone Wi-Fi controller. The AP-225 does not include the controller and boot loops if it can't reach a central controller appliance.
However, there is a way to reflash an AP-225 to an IAP-225. Obviously, this voids the warranty and Aruba actively discourages users from converting their devices this way.
It’s possible that other APs made by Aruba can also be flashed with this method, but we didn’t test that.
Flashing process[edit | edit source]
What you'll need:
- Cisco flavored serial rollover cable, RJ45 to DE-9
- optionally a serial -> USB adapter
- a TFTP server
- 30 to 60 minutes
- the firmware images. The firmware is downloadable through Aruba's service portal, but you need to go through various steps and hoops to create an account there. You can ask Nik
for the current firmware.
- Connect AP to a serial console with a rollover cable, settings are 9600 8N1 - At the "apboot" prompt, stop the autoboot process by pressing enter:Hit <Enter> to stop autoboot
- Set a country code: - generate a SHA1 hash of the country code + serial number of the AP: # on macOS $ echo "DE-CNBHHMV57F" | shasum -a 1 31b4fe935816bd03af2388dd0485640c316d9393 # on Linux $ echo "DE-CNBHHMV57F" | sha1sum 31b4fe935816bd03af2388dd0485640c316d9393 - set the code with the commandproginv system ccode CCODE-<country code>-<hash from before>
for example:proginv system ccode CCODE-DE-31b4fe935816bd03af2388dd0485640c316d9393
- then, run the following commands: # unlock the bootloader or sth, idkinvent -w
# get an address via DHCPdhcp
# set the TFTP server IPsetenv serverip
# flash the two OS slots with the Instant OSupgrade os 0 ArubaInstant_Centaurus_8.6.0.24_89728
upgrade os 1 ArubaInstant_Centaurus_8.6.0.24_89728
# reset all settingsfactory_reset
# save the country code and boot image namessaveenv
# reboot the APreset
- Done! :3
Notes[edit | edit source]
- Flashed with standalone firmware from May 2024 (
- the codename of the AP-220 series is "Centaurus"
- Takes around 4 minutes to boot.
- boot is finished when WiFi LEDs light up
- Bandwidth max ca. 800 mbps
- Can do 802.11ac and WPA3 (WPA2 is enabled tho)
- acquires address via DHCP for management
- web interface
- on port 443 (HTTPS)
- user:
- password:
- login doesn’t work until about 3 minutes AFTER boot
- PW: same as in Chaosdorf