Beamer Hackcenter

From Chaosdorf Wiki
Revision as of 02:31, 13 February 2024 by Dfjera (talk | contribs) (whitespace, minor other.)
Bildschirmfoto zu 2020-08-07 22-35-25.png
Medientechnik Hackcenter
Ort Hackcenter
Besitzstatus Club-Eigentum
Kontakt xportdus, hagemeister
Benutzung frei
Label Bitte ausdrucken

The beamer in the hackcenter, connected to the Mediarack.

Model: Panasonic PT-AH1000E

The manufacturer states for the bulb a maximum runtime of 2.000 hours in the documentation. The beamer will display a warning at 1.800 hours. Currently (as of 12.02.2024) the bulb has a runtime of 954 hours.