Affinity Box project kick-off

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Affinity Box project kick-off
Meeting to start a new project
Art Meet-Up
Datum 2014-02-08
Start 15:00
Dauer 3h
Host nomaster

(event in English language)

We organized CryptoParty to spread knowledge about cryptography. We showed people how to use cryptography tools and further their understanding about identity and trust. We learned about the different needs of journalists, activists and other groups of people. We created threat models and possible solutions.

On this journey, we found some favorite software like GnuPG and Tor. We recommended Tails as a specialized Linux distribution for secure anonymized communication. To us, this seems to be the latest and greatest client software.

But where do we put our data to share with others? Self-hosting seems to be a solution only for privileged, tech-savvy people. There is a need for a simple server distribution. It should run on small devices and should be easy to setup. The appified, anti-cloud Raspberry Pi or whatever. The idea for Affinity Box was born.

But to make it really usable and really secure, we are facing a lot of non-trivial problems. At this meet-up, we will show you a first protoype and the problems that came with it. Can you help us?

Visit our project page: https://nvvb5mpsunw75krj.onion

Developers, designers, engineers, activists, sysadmins! Regardless of your skills, if you are willing to contribute, we are very happy to have you with us.